Practical Meets Magical Mastermind


Practical Meets Magical Mastermind



Join October 2023 Mastermind

You're more capable than you think. But if you're anything like me, you need help to take your super power to the next level.

You just want someone to teach how to trust your intuition + live and lead with unwavering confidence and ease.

This is where practical meets magical to bring youR LIFE + business

to the next level.

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey that merges the practical with the magical, bringing newfound clarity, confidence, and fulfillment into both your personal life and business endeavors?

You’re in the right place! The Practical Meets Magical Mastermind is here to guide you through a three-month immersive experience that will empower you to harness the power of intuition, spirituality, and energy awareness to create a life and business you truly adore.

Unveiling the Mastermind Experience

Imagine having access to a unique blend of cutting-edge teachings and timeless wisdom, all designed to help you align your life and business with your deepest desires. With our weekly teaching calls, you'll receive expert insights and actionable strategies that bridge the gap between the practical and the magical.

Learn how to infuse your decisions with intuition, allowing you to navigate challenges and seize opportunities with unwavering confidence.

Embrace Your Spiritual Journey

The heart of this mastermind lies in our commitment to bringing spirituality and intuition into your life, making it accessible and applicable to every aspect of your life. Our beautifully crafted online classroom provides a nurturing environment where you'll dive into energy awareness and energy healing practices.

Cultivate a miraculous mindset that fuels your growth and enables you to radiate positivity and abundance and actions that support what you truly desire.

Get clear on your priorities and where to spend your energy and attention by allowing your higher self and intuition lead the way.

Uplift Your Money Mindset and Business Success

Money mindset and business success go hand in hand, and this mastermind will equip you with the tools to revolutionize both. Explore the depths of your beliefs around wealth and success, and watch as your newfound perspective transforms your financial reality. Our carefully curated modules will empower you to make strategic decisions, step into your leadership role, and manifest the prosperous business you've always envisioned.

The Power of Group Coaching

In addition to our illuminating teaching calls, our mastermind includes group coaching sessions that provide a safe space to share your experiences, insights, and challenges. Connect with a community of like-minded individuals who are on the same journey as you and benefit from their collective wisdom and support. Together, we'll navigate the intricacies of life and business, celebrating victories and overcoming obstacles.

Your Transformation Awaits

Are you tired of feeling disconnected, stuck, or uncertain about your life's path? The Practical Meets Magical Mastermind is your ticket to a transformative experience that will empower you to:

  • Trust your intuition and make confident decisions.

  • Align your energy for increased awareness and healing.

  • Cultivate a miraculous mindset that attracts positivity.

  • Elevate your money mindset and business success.

  • Find true fulfillment in both your personal life and business.

Special Bonuses

You'll also receive exclusive bonuses, including:

  • Guided meditations for clarity and manifestation.

  • Interactive workbooks to reinforce your learning.

  • Access to a private online community for ongoing support.

  • One-on-one energy assessment and reading + healing session.

  • Online classroom with resources and class material.

  • Invitation to BONUS, 9 months of the Practical Meets Magical Community Membership to continue to grow and receive support as you integrate all the learning in the mastermind with an incredible community of other once-upon-a-time-closet-intuitives.

Join Us on this Magical (yet practical) Journey

The 3-Month Practical Meets Magical Mastermind is an opportunity to transform your life and business in ways you never thought possible. Say goodbye to limitations and hello to a future fueled by intuition, empowerment, and abundance. It's time to embrace the practical and the magical in perfect harmony.

Spaces are limited, so reserve your spot today and embark on a journey that will redefine the way you approach life and business. Your destiny is waiting – are you ready to step into it?

Embrace Practical. Embrace Magical. Embrace Your Transformation.

You are meant to do big things.

I believe when we are on purpose and doing the good work in the world that we are meant to do, we feel more alive, energetic, and nourished rather than depleted. Soulful alignment to create tremendous abundance in life + business.

Imagine a grounded container to create an everlasting connection with your higherself, developing your intuition, and knowing the aligned actions to take to create + lead your Fulfilling Abundant business.

We Begin Octover 2023

What you will experience in this consciously curated mastermind: 

  • Pre-work/playbook to start the momentum before we even begin. This will be shared with me so I know your business and life dreams to see where I can best support you.

  • Weekly group teaching (a few weeks off throughout for implementation, and the calls are recorded)

  • Weekly group coaching calls (a few weeks off throughout for implementation, and the calls are recorded)

  • Invitation to in-person gathering retreat. (Not included in the cost of the mastermind.)

  • Online classroom with energetic meditations, videos, and resources to further your experience and growth while implementing your work.

  • Guided meditations of visualization learning profound yet simple energy management tools such as grounding, boundaries, creating a life guided by your intuition - your soul compass, manifesting, healthy relationships, knowing yourself, soul agreements, the vibration of abundance, and much more.

  • Videos speaking of the tools, concepts, and soul perspectives of this work in business and everyday life

  • Beautiful journal pages with journaling prompts focusing on discovering your intuition and bringing what you are experiencing in the class to greater depths

  • Private group to connect and support each other as you move through this life-changing transition of learning to live and lead intuitively

  • Invitation to BONUS, 9 months of the Practical Meets Magical Community Membership to continue to grow and receive support as you integrate all the learning in the mastermind with an extraordinary community of other once-on-a-time-closet-intuitives.


The changes and shifts this work offers:


  • Receive support and crystal-clear guidance and mentoring on your business and life

  • Find your why (in present time), your message, core beliefs, and values to create an abundant business of integrity and purpose.

  • Through receiving and experiencing grounded, energetic perspectives and communication, you learn to view life and business clearly, seeing and leading authentically.

  • Step up into your highest self through support and guidance to lead and create.

  • Clear old patterns and beliefs to become the most capable, authentic version of yourself, releasing what keeps you stuck and holds you back.

  • Replace the fear of being seen with confidence and courage, allowing you to create a tremendous positive impact in the world and in your life.

  • Own your voice and your message.

  • Strengthen boundaries and how to apply them in life and business.

  • Work your money story and energetically align with the vibration of abundance + rewrite your wealth story (one of my greatest passions + intentions for this mastermind is to have your investment come back to you tens times over and over.)

  • Shift your pattern of people-pleasing to better serve and stay aligned.

  • Learn to create more space to connect to yourself: your vision, voice, and truth.

  • Learn to disconnect from clients’ and others’ energy to feel rejuvenated and nourished instead of depleted and exhausted.

  • Powerful energetic tools and visualization meditations.

  • A private community where practical meets magical to support you in bringing your life and business to the next level.

  • You will develop your intuition—learn to understand it, and trust it.

  • This will guide you to create and manage your business and life leading with intuition, vision, and wisdom—marrying your intellect with your intuition to be empowered and living at your highest potential with strong integrity.



Are you ready to learn to trust yourself, become your own guide - to live with less fear of being seen, with more trust in yourself and your vision, connected to your light and your joy every day so you can shine your work on the world and create the tremendous impact you desire?


Join the waitlist, and we will connect so I can see what you need most + if I am confident, I can serve you however you need!

What a gift that you are here!!

And thank you for your passion and desire to live + lead the way you know your soul is meant to grow!