Embracing Challenge With Grace


Embracing Challenge With Grace


Move the energy of resistance and effort out of your space to replace it with acceptance and grace.

November 15th, 4:00-5:30 PST

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When we are faced with challenges and change, no matter how big or small, our tendency seems to be to go into effort to fix it or resistance to avoid it.

This is the body's way of trying to keep us safe.

However, when we do this we disconnect from our wisdom, our intuition, and our higher self.

This is when we hit exhaustion, frustration, and overwhelm.

In this workshop, we will look at shifting this response to grace and ease with the ability to find neutrality and acceptance of what is.

This does not mean agreeing with it or condoning it - it simply means taking the emotional charge and fight out of it and accepting it for what it is.

When we do this, we find empowerment and access our wisdom to know how to move through it with more grace and ease.

Join us where you will experience guided visualization mediation, energy work, and teaching to ground you and support you on your path forward.

November 15th, 4:00-5:30 PST

(Held Online Over Zoom)