Where Are You Now?

Where Are You Now?

Are you the observer of your body and spirit, centered in the seat of your soul? Are you on the sideline watching the play unfold with little input or empowerment in what happens with the storyline. Are you stuck in the past wishing to relive it or possibly trying to make the emotions, experiences, and pain disappear? Are you focused on the future to the point you are not aware of the now? Or possibly there is a combination that depends on what is happening in your life that dictates where you live it from.

Step Into Your Light

Step Into Your Light

This spotlight created by society provides a container for us to exist. The external spotlight validates our existence. But what happens when the light bulb breaks. When the external spot light is no longer there?

Giving People + Ourselves Space To Grow And Change


Giving People + Ourselves Space To Grow And Change

Have you ever wanted to change something about yourself, a pattern or way of being in this world? Have you ever thought about the impact the way others see you, believe in you and hold space for you to create the change has on your sense of self and ability to succeed?


Simple Steps To Protect + Manage Your Energy

Simple Steps To Protect + Manage Your Energy

Have you ever found yourself feeling "off" from the energy of another person, place or experience? Or do you ever find yourself exhausted, drained for no good reason? Have you gone from feeling clear and certain in one moment to doubtful and foggy the next? Energy affects us all, whether we are aware of it or not. Becoming aware and just simply noticing is the first tool in cultivating energetic, intuitive capabilities.

The Power Of Neutral Attention


The Power Of Neutral Attention

When we become intuitively aware of what energy is present, we have a choice, to change it or not.  We have the ability to put our attention on anything and shift our energy in relation to it.

And miraculously, as we start to develop this skill through meditation, we become more capable to manage energy we become aware of as we walk around during our days open-eyed. 

Intuitive capabilities become like breathing, you don't need to think about it or direct it, it just is.


Our True Nature

Our True Nature

What if we could live life in our natural state of joy majority of the time just because we woke up? Because we have our breath. Because we are. Because I am.

Has your spiritual self-care become spiritual self-criticism?

Has your spiritual self-care become spiritual self-criticism?

You can intend and ground your desire to engage in your spiritual practices, such as meditation, the key is if it is in joy.

If you lose joy in the process ask yourself if you are intellectually doing spirituality or intuitively being

They are different vibrations, one activating the mind and the other experiencing your higher awareness, knowing yourself as spirit.

From Destruction Comes Creation

From Destruction Comes Creation

We all hit a point of broken. A place where we look around and our tender pieces surround our feet on the floor as we try to stay balanced. We look around and although the same physical environment stares back, nothing looks familiar. There is a brokenness in our hearts and a shattered vision in our hands. This is the place where real growth begins.

Published Here In Huffington Post

The Time Is Now

The Time Is Now

The time is now. Time to turn on your light. Own your wisdom. Speak your truth. Act with integrity. Teach what you know to be true. Love unconditionally. Lift up as high as the moon and stars while rooted deep into this earth. Shine as bright as the sun with your illuminating light glowing. Dance in the rain and rejoice in the dark to allow for a doorway to open and the light to flood the crevasses.

Published Here In Huffington Post

Soul Surf. Stop Spinning & Start Living.

Soul Surf. Stop Spinning & Start Living.

Your soul is simultaneously daydreaming visions of beautiful new beginnings - change and growth - and you start to feel a bit, well, crazy.  So how do we align our physical world with our heart's desires, our soul's truth? Here is a small tidbit for a humungous, gigantic question. 

Our job is to embrace this life force and surf it's magnificent current understanding that we are not in "control" of it.

Published Here In Huffington Post


 I Had A Choice. To Be Annoyed Or Get Curious.


I Had A Choice. To Be Annoyed Or Get Curious.

That was the point. The point in time that I knew I had a choice. I could either be annoyed and continue with my story about this lady who did not have awareness or consideration. Or I could get curious. The thought came as clear as someone saying to me, "Maybe you are supposed to talk with her. Maybe she has something to share with you. Maybe God or the Universe has put her in your path to teach you something." 


Copy Cat VS Inspiration


Copy Cat VS Inspiration

My wheels started to turn. There is no new thought, idea, creation, that is not the result of an experience or interaction with a person, thing or place. Therefore there is no complete original thought. Right? So what is the difference between copying and being inspired? 
